ETICS is the European Testing, Inspection and Certification System an international non-profit Organization, governed by the Belgian law.
The purpose of ETICS is the administration of the ENEC Scheme and other Schemes such as the CCA, HAR, and LOVAG assessing third party conformity of products falling essentially within the electrotechnical sector but also in other fields which may be associated with testing, inspection and certification of products, processes and personnel.
Its main activity is to facilitate the access to the European market for products certified by independent third-party organisations, thus guaranteeing the safety and quality of products, processes and equipment for consumers.
The ETICS system includes 21 countries of the European Union, represented by 27 certification bodies that are the owners of the ETICS system and make all decisions within the system.
BELLIS has had observer status with ETICS since 2014. On 04/25/2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ETICS and BELLIS.
The main purpose of ETICS is to administer the European ENEC scheme and other third party product assessment schemes: ENEC, ENEC PLUS, HAR, CCA, CCA EMC, KEYMARK, LOVAG.
Schemes administered by ETICS operate in the electrical sector of consumer products, as well as in the areas of inspection, testing and certification of products and personnel.
Currently, ETICS has already established cooperation with the following leading organizations in this field CEN/CENELEC, LOVAG, CEOC, IFIA, EUROLAB, BEUC, European Commission, EUROPOL, BUSINESSEUROPE, CECAPI, CECED, EUROPACABLE, LIGHTINGEUROPE, ORGALIME, ISO and others.
The advisory committee includes such organizations as EUROPOL, IEC/IECEE, CECAPI, ANEC, LIGHTINGEUROPE, European Commission, EUROPACABLE, European Consumer Association, MediaMarket, CECED, etc., which will allow the system to provide an integrated approach to conformity assessment and market surveillance with participation of all interested parties (government organizations, regulatory authorities, customs authorities, consumer protection societies, industry, certification bodies, testing laboratories, etc.)
18 December 2024